A Revolution is Coming to the Education Sector

Web 3.0 is the future of the internet, and it will revolutionize many, many, sectors, including education. In this article we’ll look at some ways in which the decentralized, semantic web will break the glass ceilings of the current education sector. Before we do that though, let’s analyze some of the main problems we face with how most education is being carried out now.

For most people around the world, education means student (or students) sitting in a room with a teacher, inside an educational building, for example: schools/academies/universities. These in person sessions happen within a certain amount of time, whether it’s per quarter, semester, one year, two, four, six, or twelve years. Or more. The average twenty year old nowadays has spent nearly all their lives in a classroom.

Wait, that’s if they’re lucky enough to afford all that education. If not, they’ll have to quit halfway through the process without getting acknowledgement for their efforts. Supposing they are privileged enough to have experienced all those years of education, when graduates enter the working field, most of them start (again) from zero. This is because most of what they learned were not hands on practical skills that are used day-to-day on the field. And so all those years of education became obsolete upon entering the workspace.

The ones that find they are not completely lost are usually the ones that learned a host of soft skills through extracurricular activities, student body organizations, and other communal participation—not through the main halls of the education system.

This is where Web 3.0 can be revolutionary. With virtual and augmented reality, teachers can take students to any part of the globe even while teaching concepts. Artificial Intelligences will keep things challenging for each learner based on their individual unique set of abilities, desires, and cultural backgrounds. A plethora of in-built tools accessible through any device, all linked together, will also save time assessing student capabilities. Teachers will be able to analyze the student’s performance in a much more efficient and time saving manner.

With decentralization, communities and organizations are able to provide microcredentials that allow students to earn income while they are learning–earn as you learn. Students no longer have to go through the system for sixteen or more years to earn a starting minimum wage. They can make money while they are learning, making education accessible to much more people.

It’s high time for an overhaul of the education system, because let’s face the reality: if we keep doing things in this way, we’ll just produce mediocre people instead of smart, empathetic, problem-solving individuals who are ready to face a real world full of unpredictable, global-scale, life-threatening challenges.
