An ESports rig.

In the previous article, we touched on the basics of gamification, game mechanics, and gamification in the workplace. In this article, we will look at gamification in the modern education environment and how game mechanics is also incredibly beneficial for students throughout the learning process.

Making learning fun

We find that nowadays gamification is increasingly being used for learning (think of all those apps that teach you another language, or how to play a musical instrument!) and the main reason is because the game mechanics make learning FUN. Because students are having fun, they become more motivated and engaged in the learning process.

In the learning process, gamification uses mechanisms like scoring points, peer competition, and working in and with teams. Gamification techniques can be applied to subjects often thought boring and hard in schools like history, literature, mathematics, all the way to autodidactic apps that adults use to learn extra skills. This shows that gamification in the learning environment does not only appeal to the young, but also all the way to adulthood.

Examples for teachers

What are some ways that teachers can “gamify” their classroom? Here are some ideas.

  1. Breakdown learning objectives and give points when students meet those objectives

For example, if it is a math class, students get 1 point for identifying which theory to use, 2 points for applying it correctly, and 3 points for calculating the correct result. If it is a history class, students get 1 point for stating the correct information, 2 points for applying it in context of the discussions, and an extra 2 points for every piece of evidence they can state to further prove that information. 

  1. Giving points for good behavior or attitude.

For example, if a student picks up after his or her own trash, they get 1 point. If they see someone else’s trash lying around and they help to throw it away, they get 2 points. If they are seen not picking up after their own trash, they get point reductions. If they find a way to recycle the trash or bring it to a trash bank, they get a special badge!

  1. Creating healthy competition 

For example, if the teacher creates a certain rule such as students are not to come late to class, then when everyone is on time, the class gets a point. If one student is late then the teacher gets a point. If the class wins at the end of the day, then the class can be rewarded with something like extra 5 minutes breaktime. If the teacher wins at the end of the day, then the teacher can claim a reward like having students help clean the community bathroom. 

  1. Having students role-play different point of views

This has to do with involving narrative or storytelling in the teaching process. For example, if it is a biology problem, the student can role-play as a doctor, a patient, a nurse, or a pharmacist. See how they use what information they know to solve the problem!

The benefits of gamification in the education environment are endless, but one of the most important is that the student takes ownership of their own learning process, becoming active players having fun while learning, instead of just being passive recipients of information. 
