Depending on what year you were born, you might have experienced Web 1.0 back in the 1990s. Known as the “read-only web”, people could only view information, but they could not interact or be involved in creating content.

In the first couple years after the turn of the century, the internet evolved into Web 2.0. Static web pages for consuming information turned to interactive experiences. Content became user generated and this brought us the behemoth that is social media. At smartphone’s entrance, internet became mobile.

While Web 2.0 is still very much alive, we are seeing the beginnings of another internet evolution—what is called Web 3.0. Another popular term for it is Semantic Web. In Web 3.0, data will be connected across platforms, devices, companies, countries, and other community boundaries.

The main goal of Web 3.0 is decentralization. Because of that, Web 3.0 goes hand in hand with blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFT), and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO).

Semantic web will also provide infrastructure that makes it easier for humans to find what we’re looking for on the internet. Instead of “dumbing down” the way we think to keywords, artificial intelligence will develop so that the AIs will be able to feel out what humans need and are looking for, and as such suggest more suitable content and products.

The Metaverse will also be a big part of Web 3.0, with its virtual environment and augmented reality. The shared virtual world will impact sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, law and order, services industry, transportation, and much more.

The question that remains is, are you and your organization ready for the next internet revolution? Are you ready for Web 3.0?
