An ESports rig.

What would give the storyboard you create more of that “bite”? What would make it a really good—no, slash that—a really badass, killer of a storyboard? Here are some of our tips!

  1. Draw out of the box

We mean this literally—let some of your lines cross the border of the box! As much as we’ve said a storyboard looks like a manga, it’s now time to remember that it’s actually not. The manga is the end product, while a storyboard is a step towards the end product. This means the storyboard doesn’t have to have the same level of polish and finish as artwork in a comic. The drawing of your storyboard serves to suggest the larger environment (that’s bigger than the box of the sketch) and what is unseen around the scene. Your strokes don’t have to be stifled in the box, let it “breathe” more, suggest more. You can always clean it up at the end.

  1. Thumbnails

Thumbnails are smaller versions of the full size sketch. A miniature storyboard, if you will. Drawing thumbnails will help you to get your instinct and ideas down faster, because sometimes the full size sketch can be daunting. Experiment with your ideas in these miniature drawings. Think of them as your notes—you can always fall back on them when you are in a stump during the process of the full size.

  1. Keep the viewer in mind

All the scenes need to consider the viewer. Do they need more close-up details for this section to work? Is it a fast paced action scene, where there are quick cuts over a couple minutes? If so, consider streamlining the important information so the viewer’s eyes are centered. This will help them to avoid ocular fatigue.

  1. Functionality

Again, remember that your storyboard isn’t the final product, so it doesn’t have to be perfect in terms of drawing. Embrace hiccups and accidents. In terms of character, know that if it’s a film, during the storyboarding process, the actor/actress hasn’t been casted so he/she might not look exactly like what you sketched out. Details of the environment might also be a bit different. What’s most important is that your storyboard achieved it’s function to help the rest of the team put together that video.

  1. Stay curious

We can’t say this enough, but keep being “hungry” to learn more. Look at other storyboards and how they compare to the finished product. Take a look at artbooks. Go to exhibitions, watch movies, play games, scour Pinterest or screen capture Instagram posts—inspiration and ideas can come from anywhere. Keep your mind fresh and your storyboard will be fresh too.

These are some of our tips for you, and we hope you will be making not just one, but many killer storyboards for many projects! Good luck!
