An ESports rig.

[su_dropcap style=”simple” size=”4″]Y[/su_dropcap]es, we all want that killer portfolio that’s going to get you the project you’ve always dreamed of. But before going there, you have to actually make that killer portfolio first. In this article, we’re going to share with you 7 tips on precisely how to do that.

  1. Tell your story

A portfolio is a tool to showcase your abilities, but it’s also a tool to tell people about you. Who are you? What do you care about? What are your goals? Why are you doing what you are doing now? That basic narrative of your identity will give your portfolio a personal appeal that stands out in a crowd. Make a storyboard for your narrative and tell that story through the sequence of projects you show. 

  1. Ten is a good number

If you have been in the working field for a while, you’ll likely have many projects under your belt. Curating the amount of projects that go into your portfolio can be tricky. Too many, and people will forget. Too little, and it will seem too light. When in doubt, ten is a good number of projects to have on that portfolio.

  1. Keep it fresh

In this fast-paced industry, trends and themes change quite rapidly. Don’t show a project that’s from too long ago because it likely won’t be relevant anymore. Keep it fresh with a list of projects that’s not more than 3–4 years old.  

  1. What did you do for the project?

Be as precise and clear as possible on what your role was for that project. What were your responsibilities, and did you work with a team or not? How big was the team? Employers are always looking for people who are not only skilled but also able to work in a team!

  1. Design the portfolio well

This might seem obvious, but take it as a good reminder! This includes how your portfolio looks, how it is presented, how it flows logically (in relation with your narrative), and the absolute killer project at the end to leave a high impression!

  1. Customization

Customizing the portfolio according to who you are pitching to might be extra work, but it is work that pays off. Do the extra legwork to research into the employer’s interests and vision/mission statement, then find subtle ways to include this in your portfolio. Employers can tell when you are using a template portfolio that you use to apply for everything, or if you have taken the extra time to make that alignment.

  1. Something to touch

Nowadays, portfolios are mostly digital, and it is so because of the convenience. However, don’t underestimate the power of what one can touch with their own fingers. If your portfolio is a design or photography portfolio, you might easily be able to print out a sample or two. But if your portfolio is a collection of 3D animated projects, then that might be a bit difficult. However, there is always a way to create memorable impressions, for example perhaps have a little souvenir such as a holographic card of one of the characters in your 3D projects. Give them a reason to remember you, so that even if you don’t get this current project, maybe you’ll be on their list for the next one.

We hope you’ve enjoyed these tips, and all the best for that killer portfolio!
